Drug/ alcohol addiction is a serious problem that should be addressed without any postponement. For people battling addiction, drug detox treatment programs offer the much- needed professional help. Even though a lot of people opt for outpatient rehabs, in case of severe addiction checking into a residential detox treatment center provides the right solution.
Detox is a process in which the body gets rid of any drugs inside it. The main aim of detox is to handle drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms safely. Detox is the first step in getting rid of addiction and for this, a person has to go to for detox treatment center.
When all signs of alcohol or drugs are removed from the body, the person becomes physically fit to commence therapy. The body of an addict is used to these substances and they need to be removed gradually otherwise a person will not be able to manage.
The brain needs to adapt to a sudden drop in chemicals and this can lead to serious unpleasant symptoms in some patients. These symptoms are called withdrawal symptoms. The detox process helps to mitigate the impact of withdrawal symptoms and makes a person feel comfortable and easy as much as is possible.
Detox should be done under the supervision of trained specialists at the Detox treatment center near me. This happens safely at a detox facility or center where trained healthcare professionals are available at all times to monitor your condition.
Do not try to detox on your own as the results can be unsatisfactory leading to a major plummet in confidence levels and de-motivation.
A detox treatment program is required when you want to discontinue or get rid of your dependence on drugs or alcohol. People who go in for any kind of detox program display better recovery rates. Chances of relapse are less due to participation in support groups.
So, if you wish to get freedom from alcohol addiction, go in for an Alcohol Detox Treatment Program near you.
Our navigators will help you take back control of your life.
When you call our helpline, an admissions navigator is there to listen to you, answer any questions you have, and provide the support that you need—all 100% confidentially.
There are two kinds of detox treatment programs. One is the alcohol detox treatment program and the other is the drug detox treatment program.
Some short-term effects of marijuana are :
- Alcohol Detox Treatment Program : In an alcohol detox program, a person who is struggling with alcoholism is put a detox program so that his/ her body gets rid of any alcohol in it and the withdrawal symptoms are manageable.
- Drug Detox Treatment Program : If a person is battling drug addiction such as he/ she is hooked on substances like opiates, depressants, or even stimulants, then a drug detox treatment program is sought. A physician-assisted detox program leads to better results than any other kind of detox program. A drug detox treatment program is basically a withdrawal management program where people recovering from substance abuse are given the help that they need.
Withdrawal Symptoms- A common side effect of alcohol or substance abstinence is withdrawal symptoms. Psychological withdrawal symptoms that a patient might encounter are mentioned below:
- Depression
- Paranoia
- Irritability and anxiety
- Insomnia or sleeplessness
- Confusion
- Agitated Behavior
- Extreme mood swings
- Uncontrollable Urge to consume the Substance again
- Poor Concentration
Some patients exhibit extreme symptoms such as hallucinations, seizures, delirium, etc. A trained medical professional will provide the patient with the right medication in appropriate doses to cope with the withdrawal symptoms.
- Fewer Chances of Relapse :When you enroll in a detox program, the chances that you will go back to your addiction fall drastically. You have the help of medical professionals to keep you on the right track. Also, the supports groups prevent you from falling into your addictions again.
- Freedom from any Kind of Addiction : Recovery from alcoholism or any kind of addiction is an arduous journey. One of the biggest benefits of a detox program is that you are on a road to recovery. • A medical detox program is a structured program that is designed to address each stage of your recovery. The ultimate aim of the program is to help a person come out of his alcohol-dependent lifestyle and embrace a healthy life pattern.
- Efficient Management of Withdrawal Symptoms : Withdrawal symptoms can harm the patient if they are not managed properly. There are no medicines that can eliminate withdrawal symptoms. However, some medications can be administered to ease anxiety and depression. These medicines help the patient to sleep and ultimately relax
- Therapy : Once the detox process is completed a person is directed towards therapy. Therapy is as important as medication. Research has proved that compassionate and supportive care go long way in helping the patient to attain the best outcomes.
Regular monitoring of a person who is undergoing therapy is done. With psychological therapy, the patient is able to kick alcohol and substance addiction for good.

Finding the right detox center isn’t as easy as it sounds. With a plethora of choices available, you might get confused as regards which detox center is ideal for you or your loved one.
Check out different parameters such as arability of the right medical staff, location, affordability, rating, etc to ascertain which center is ideal for you. Always read the testimonial of people that have already been to a rehab facility to get a better idea about the kind of services and level of success of the programs.
Check to see if your insurance is in-network at an American Addiction Centers location
We’ll instantly check the coverage offered by your insurance provider.
For patients with mild symptoms, an outpatient facility might work. Not everyone has to opt for a residential program, which is very expensive. In an outpatient center, the patients stay at the facility for some hours and then go back home.
However, if your condition is severe you need to get into an inpatient detox treatment center so that you get the care that you need. Always get in touch with a reputed addiction specialist who can guide you as regards the kind of program that you need.
The Internet is not a reliable place to search for detox centers. You can ask for help who have already undergone treatment or have their loved one’s going through treatment to get a better idea about the detox facility. Check for the licensing and accreditation of a facility. Stay away from patient brokers as for them it is merely a sales pitch than real care.
- Inpatient detox treatment center : Both inpatient and outpatient detox treatment centers aim at the rehabilitation of the patient. In an inpatient facility also referred to as an inpatient recovery program the patient has to check into a controlled facility to come out of the addictions. When they stay at a facility they get round-the-clock medical as well as emotional support.
- Outpatient detox Treatment center – In an outpatient detox treatment center, the patient has to spend about 10- 12 hours a week at the treatment facility. Outpatient rehab centers are less restrictive. They focus on things such as drug abuse education, group counseling, etc to help a patient to recover from addiction. In case a patient has mild addiction, then an outpatient facility can be a very good option.
- Alcohol Misuse – Understand your trigger points and try to keep them at bay. Work consciously to nip the problem. Join support groups and attend regular counseling sessions. With the right frame of mind, it becomes to overcome addiction.
Do not wait till you hit rock bottom. Take action if you feel that you are falling into a vicious cycle of drinking and this is barring you from carrying a healthy lifestyle.
Set a limit and do not beyond it when you sit for drinking. Also, set two or three alcohol-free days in a week. - Drug Misuse –Drug misuse can have an extremely bad influence on your mind and body. Try to remove all temptations from your vicinity. Do not hang out with people who are addicted. Even if it means that you have to leave some friends, you must take action.If you feel you are not able to manage your problem with self-help tips, get in touch with a trained de-addiction specialist and get the help that you need. The doctor will evaluate your condition and offer you the treatment options accordingly. If the condition is not serious, medications can help you come out of the drug addiction.