Posted On : March 7, 2022

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a growing medical problem in the United States with the potential to cause long-term changes in the brain. One of the evident symptoms of this addiction is continuous alcohol consumption, creating a physical dependence on the substance.

Alcohol abuse impacts health and social life in many negative ways and is the fourth leading cause of all preventable deaths in the world. Given that this addiction is considered a mental health disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, it is best to seek alcohol addiction treatment from an expert at the earliest

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a pervasive global issue, with far-reaching physical, psychological, and sociological implications. To tackle this profound affliction effectively, it is crucial to implement comprehensive treatment and support initiatives. For individuals seeking recovery, alcohol rehab centers provide specialized addiction treatment programs designed to address the complex nature of alcohol addiction and facilitate long-term recovery.

These centers offer evidence-based therapies, personalized care plans, and a supportive environment to assist individuals in their journey towards sobriety.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Are you struggling with alcohol addiction? Seek professional help for effective alcohol addiction treatment. With the right support and guidance, you can overcome your addiction and build a healthier, alcohol-free life. Reach out to experts in alcohol addiction treatment today to start your journey towards recovery.

Alcohol addiction is a serious condition  2 that affects individuals worldwide. This debilitating disorder has significant physical, psychological, and social consequences. It is imperative to address the challenges associated with alcohol addiction through comprehensive treatment and support programs.

Alcohol Rehab Centers

Rehab centers can be beneficial in providing treatment to individuals grappling with alcohol use disorder. Patients can stay here for a specific period and receive support along with medication and a mix of therapies.

After a thorough assessment of the condition of the patients, rehabs develop patient-tailored treatment plans on the basis of factors like age, gender, the severity of the problem, underlying issues, mental health conditions and the duration of addiction. The assessment also helps understand the root cause of the problem, such as a mental health disorder or a social issue.

Reasons for Alcohol Addiction

Moderate alcohol consumption does not create a situation when an individual would develop a craving for alcohol. However, regular and binge drinking over a long period could eventually lead to alcohol dependence by altering the dopamine hormone levels in the brain. The hormone causes a gratifying feeling after drinking. Multiple reasons push people towards drinking. Some of them are:

  • Managing stress
  • Dealing with mental health problems like anxiety and depression
  • Fighting boredom
  • Taking it recreationally
  • Family problems
  • Financial issues
  • Dealing with physical injury
  • Financial issues
  • Overcoming work pressure

Age of Alcohol Addicts

In the US, the highest rate of current alcohol use is found in young adults (aged 18 to 25 years) and adults (aged 26 years and older) compared to older adults (aged 65 years and older) or teenagers (aged 12 years to 17 years).

The legal age for drinking varies from one country to another. In the United States, it is 21 years. However, underage drinking is a big issue in the US. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), around 414,000 adolescents, aged 12 to 17 years, had alcohol use disorder (AUD). It is a concerning figure because a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has revealed that individuals who took to drinking before the age of 15 years had 50% higher chance of getting dependent on alcohol as adults.

How to Overcome Drinking

About 88,000 people die due to alcohol each year in the US. Thus, individuals should look out for the signs indicating the start of drinking problems and take steps to overcome them before the situation spirals out of hand. Here are some tips to overcome the initial stages of dependency.

  • Set a drinking goal for yourself and adhere to it
  • Stay away from temptations by not joining drink parties
  • Join non-drinking social groups
  • Get involved in physical activity and workouts
  • Minimize drinking at home
  • Join a hobby class or go hiking and trekking

Importance of Rehab Centers

AUD is a mental health problem that might require life-long treatment. It affects different parts of the body in different ways and individuals should not self treat themselves. As per the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, around 14.5 million Americans had an AUD.

Alcohol rehab centers are the best place to seek support for alcohol addiction, as they offer customized treatment plans based on various factors. They tweak the plan to meet the demand of the situation as and when deemed necessary. The rehabs also offer after-care support as part of the recovery program that helps in achieving sustained recovery.

Considering that alcoholism can become complicated at times and impact other medical issues problems, timely treatment is the key to quick and safe recovery. Rehab centers are armed with trained specialists who conduct an assessment of each patient to create a tailored treatment plan. They also take steps to eliminate roadblocks on the recovery path.

Steps to Get Sober

To take the sobriety path, acknowledge that you have a problem with alcohol because only then will you be able to go ahead with the smooth recovery journey. When planning to get alcohol addiction treatment, always opt for professional treatment at rehab centers that know the right steps to be taken for each situation. Let us take a closer look at the steps to be taken.


Treatment for alcohol addiction starts after alcohol detox. The process removes all the addictive substances from the body and prepares them for further treatment. Detox has to be performed by a specialist and is best done at rehab centers. It should never be tried at home, as it can lead to other health issues that could even hamper the treatment procedure.

In severe cases, individuals need medication to undergo a safe detox. Medicines help to manage the uncomfortable side effects and complications arising from detox. The amount of time needed for detox depends on the severity of the alcohol problem, mental health issue, additional drug use, age, and family history.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal refers to physical and mental problems that heavy drinkers experience after stopping or reducing alcohol intake. The problems can range from mild to severe and are called alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These signs are visible during detox. The problem arises because months and years of drinking makes the brain dependent on alcohol and a sudden halt to that practice is not acceptable to the brain.

Lack of help and support at this juncture could lead to relapse when individuals take to drinking again. Here are few alcohol withdrawal symptoms to be taken care of.

  • Shaky hands
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • High blood pressure
  • Palpitations
  • Sweating

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment

The treatment journey for AUD starts once the body is ready for it after detox. Quitting alcohol under expert guidance would ensure that you remain safe and the withdrawal symptoms are managed. The treatment procedure usually starts with an in-depth analysis and review of the severity of the problem. It offers an insight into the best course of action to be taken. Medication and behavioral counseling are some of the treatment methods for alcohol addiction.

If not in a condition to travel to a faraway rehab, use the online search option – alcohol addiction rehab near me – to book a rehab center that would take all possible steps to manage your cravings and triggers.

Medications and Therapy

Health professionals use a combination of FDA-approved medication and therapy for treating AUD.

The use of medications in an inpatient rehab becomes easy because of constant supervision and guidance. Some of the therapies include experiential therapy, holistic therapy and yoga. They help in holistic wellbeing by influencing the way you behave and feel.

Post-treatment Steps for Long-Lasting Recovery

Alcohol rehab centers prepare individuals to become strong-willed and take on a healthy and fulfilling life once again.

They assist individuals in nurturing sustainable and healthy lifestyle habits in order to prevent a relapse. However, in the initial stages of recovery, certain weak moments might force individuals to succumb to alcohol. To help patients get over such temptations, rehab centers provide ongoing recovery sessions as part of aftercare services.

These sessions can include individualized or group therapy, family therapy, meditation, counseling and much more. Regular visits to rehab centers provide a chance to discuss various life scenarios and learn how to manage them to stay sober. Helping to connect with support networks is another aftercare or post-treatment feature, and this plays an integral role in strengthening the desire to stay sober. Rehabs also provide counseling services and teach coping mechanisms to keep away from triggers, avoid a relapse and experience holistic wellness.

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    Types of Alcohol Rehab Programs

    Depending on the kind of addiction treatment required for alcohol addiction, there are two types of alcohol rehab programs – inpatient alcohol rehab and outpatient alcohol rehab.

    As part of an inpatient alcohol rehab or residential treatment program, individuals receive treatment for alcohol addiction while living in a clinic or a hospital for a specified period of time. It is an intensive treatment program suitable for serious addiction issues. In severe cases, the stay can even last for over six months. Here, individuals receive round-the-clock support and have no contact with the outside world. This feature helps take care of triggers while putting the focus entirely on recovery.

    Individuals also have the option of choosing a luxury rehab facility to receive top-notch alcohol addiction treatment. The private facility caters to people who would not want to give up on their luxurious lifestyle while undergoing addiction treatment. The activities like guided meditation, ocean activities, spa and gourmet dining, keep individuals away from triggers and help in boosting total wellness

    Outpatient alcohol rehab is a more flexible kind of program. Here, individuals visit the rehab on certain days to receive the treatment as they continue to live at home, attend work and fulfill other responsibilities, if they are in a condition to do so. This rehab program is apt for people with mild alcohol addiction problems or those who have already attended an inpatient rehab program.

    Partial hospitalization program, also called day treatment programs, offers more intensive addiction treatment than an outpatient program. The patient attends the rehab center during the daytime but gets to spend the night at home. It is ideal for patients struggling with alcohol addiction and a co-occurring mental health disorder. It helps remain connected with networks and support groups

    Your alcohol consumption pattern might be putting you at the risk of getting a drinking-related disease that you might not be realizing. So, the best thing to do is to take a self-assessment test to gauge your situation. The assessment can help you take preventive steps to manage your drinking habit. It would also let you know if you are suffering from AUD and you need a treatment intervention.

    Role of Family Members & Loved Ones in Alcohol Addiction Treatment

    Family members and loved ones play a critical role in helping an addict achieve long-lasting sobriety, and regain a normal life and good health. The first thing they should do is educate themselves about alcohol addiction, its related signs, and its impact on the mental health of the patient.

    They need to be patient and keep reminding the patient to take the prescribed medications. They should also help the patient develop coping mechanisms. They should reduce any friction in the family and help the patient enroll in some support group. It is also important for family members to take care of their health in order to support their loved ones get out of alcoholism.

    How to Help an Addicted Person

    It is not easy to help an individual who has substance use disorder (SUD). But your support would surely make a lot of difference in helping them quit an addiction. Be honest with the person and try to build that trust factor so that they listen to you. Never criticize or demoralize them as that would alienate you from your loved one, instead encourage them and be positive. You need to be patient and keep making constant efforts to help your loved one take appropriate treatment to get sober