Alcohol Addiction Self-Test: Am I Drinking Too Much?

Take a couple minutes to see how much you rely on alcohol. Life can get stressful at times and it’s always good to check yourself to see if your behaviors are getting out of hand. Alcohol use disorders are one of the most common addictions we see and it’s a behavior that can go unnoticed for quite some time.

The results of the alcohol addiction quiz will determine if your alcohol use is something to be concerned about. This can give you insights to see if maybe your have a problem or you’re just a enjoying yourself.

Either way, we have a team of treatment specialists that can help you guide you through any questions you might have about alcohol addiction treatment. We handle these types of issues every day and love informing others on how to live happy healthy lives.

Alcohol Addiction
Step 1

Do you often use Alcohol in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than you intended?

Have you wanted to cut back on your Alcohol use for a while now or made unsuccessful attempts to do so?

Do you spend a great deal of time finding, using, or recovering from Alcohol?

Do you have strong urges or powerful cravings to use Alcohol?

Step 2

Has your use of Alcohol resulted in your inability to meet your obligations at work, home, or school?

Have you had to cut back on or abandon social, professional, or recreational activities due to your use of Alcohol?

Have you repeatedly used Alcohol when it is hazardous to do so, such as while driving a car or operating machinery?

Have you experienced social or relationship problems due to your use of Alcohol and kept using anyway?

Have you kept using Alcohol knowing that it has caused or worsened physical or mental health issues?

When you attempt to cut back on or stop your use of Alcohol, have you experienced uncomfortable physical or mental health symptoms (withdrawal)?

Have you experienced diminished effects when you use Alcohol compared to the past and/or have you needed more Alcohol to feel the effects you're seeking (tolerance)?

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